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Korean NCSRD&nbsp;(The National Reference Standards Center) was established to improve&nbsp;the quality and R &amp; D capabilities of industrial products, the emergence of a knowledge-based society requires the utilization of reference standards, scientific and technological data that are certified for reliability and accuracy.<br />
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It was established in accordance with Article 16 of the National Standard Framework Act and Article 14 (2) of the Concurrent Decree.<br />
In order to utilize reliable and accurate reference standards as national knowledge resources, NCSRD tries to&nbsp;improve the national competitiveness and the quality of life of the people by effectively equipping the reference data collection, production, evaluation and registration and distribution system.<br />
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<strong>대한민국의 국가참조표준센터는 </strong><br />
산업제품의 품질과 연구개발능력 향상은 물론 지식기반 사회가 도래하면서 신뢰성과 정확성이 공인된 과학기술데이터인 참조표준의 활용도가 요구되어,<br />
국가표준기본법 제16조 및 동시행령 제14조 2항 참조표준의 제정 및 보급 요령에 따라 국가참조표준센터를 설립하였다.<br />
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신뢰성과 정확성을 갖춘 참조표준을 국가적인 지식자원으로 활용하기 위해 참조데이터의 수집, 생산, 평가, 등록 보급체계를 효과적으로 갖춤으로써 국가경쟁력 및 국민의 삶의 질 향상에 이바지하는 것이 목표이다.<span>​</span></p>

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