


66 bytes added, 06:06, 7 October 2010
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<p><font color="#000000"><font size="3">The&nbsp;<strong>genome</strong> is the entirety of a set of sequences in an organism that&nbsp;encodes information for survival and the&nbsp;continuation of the species it belongs to. The main function of genome is information storage and processing to form an entity that utilizes envergy to keep process signals to interact with other genomes in the whole eco-system.</font><br />
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<font size="3">The genome is universal in the universe and aliens living other planets also have genomes.<br />
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The information is usually stored&nbsp;in DNA or RNA in the organisms found on Earth.<br />
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The genome is often classified&nbsp;into the protein coding genes and the non-coding sequences of the DNA historically.</font><sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference"><font size="2"><font size="3"><span>[</span>1</font><span><font size="3">]</font><br />
<h2><span id="Origin_of_Term" class="mw-headline"><font color="#000000">Origin of Term</font></span></h2>

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