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deCODE genetics


Headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, deCODE is a biopharmaceutical company applying its discoveries in human genetics to the development of drugs for common diseases. deCODE is a global leader in gene discovery - our population approach and resources have enabled us to isolate key genes contributing to major public health challenges from cardiovascular disease to cancer, genes that are providing us with drug targets rooted in the basic biology of disease. The company currently has eight lead programs in drug discovery and development, including three in clinical trials, and is broadening its pipeline through gene and target discovery work in 50 of the most common diseases.

deCODE is also leveraging its expertise in human genetics and integrated drug discovery and development capabilities to offer innovative products and services in DNA-based diagnostics, bioinformatics, genotyping, structural biology, drug discovery and clinical development.

Additional Information

Rank: 739,164
Address: DeCode Genetics Inc., Sturlugata 8 Reykjavik 101, ICELAND


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