

IonTorrent ion-sequencing machine announced publically

205 bytes added, 15:53, 28 February 2010
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<h2 class="purple"><a href=""><font size="3"></font></a><br /><br />MEDIA RELEASES</h2>
<p><strong>Ion Torrent Systems, Inc.&nbsp; <br />
Ion Personal Genome Machine<sup><font size="2">TM</font></sup> Sequencer Grant</strong></p>
<p>Ion Torrent<sup><font size="2">TM</font></sup> will award two Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM<sup><font size="2">TM</font></sup>) sequencers in April 2010 through a grant program designed to help make DNA sequencing accessible to all scientists.</p>
<p>The Ion PGM Sequencer Grant Program is designed to foster the development of new applications for DNA sequencing that leverage the instrument's unprecedented speed, scalability and low cost. The Ion PGM sequencer can do a run in about an hour, offers semiconductor scalability and is one tenth the price of other sequencers to buy and to run.</p>
<p>&quot;Ion Torrent technology enables scientists to do experiments they never thought were possible, and that freedom will foster innovation and drive breakthroughs in research,&quot; said Dr. Jonathan Rothberg, founder and CEO of Ion Torrent. &quot;We look forward to working with scientists around the world to create applications that will transform healthcare.&quot;</p>
<p>The grant submissions will be judged on the merit of the ideas, as well as the resources and expertise the applicants can bring to the project. Dr. Rothberg and members of the Ion Torrent Scientific Advisory Board, including Dr. Ron Davis and Dr. George Church, will judge the submissions. Applications will be accepted from Feb 27<sup><font size="2">th</font></sup> to April 4<sup><font size="2">th</font></sup>. To apply, go to the <a href="grantapp/"><font color="#000000">grant application</font></a>.</p>
<p><strong>True semiconductor sequencing</strong></p>

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