

The diploid genome sequence of an Asian individual

133 bytes added, 07:19, 24 November 2008
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BGI of China, in Beijing, has published a paper on a Chinese person. It is a diploid genome sequence. The genome was sequenced to 36-fold average coverage using Solexa machines. They used&nbsp;the NCBI human reference to reach to to 99.97% coverage. They identified approximately 3 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) inside this region. 13.6% of them were not in the NCBI's dbSNP database.&nbsp;They also carried out heterozygote phasing and haplotype prediction against HapMap Chinese (CHB) and Japanse (JPT) haplotypes, sequence comparison with the two&nbsp;caucasion individual genomes (J. D. Watson and J. C. Venter), and structural variation identification.&nbsp;<br />
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<strong>Summary<br />
</strong>[[The diploid genome sequence of a Chinese individual was sequenced]], BGI, China<br />

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