Open Access Pharmacogenomics Project



OpenPGx is a global collaborative endeavor to create an Open Access resource for Pharmacogenomics data in order to enable the application of advances in science and technology to clinical settings with the overall aim and impact of improving patient health care.

Our focus is not only on improving patient health care through science and technology, but also by providing an open and wide platform for students, Researchers, Medical Professionals, Software Engineers and Patients alike, where they can collaborate and come to the best possible conclusions through constant communication, discussions and exchange of information. 

It is with this purpose that OpenPGx aims at the: 

  1. Creation and maintenance of a comprehensive Open Access Data resource of the Pharmacogenomics markers for clinical applications. 
  2. Creating and maintaining softwares, algortithms and resources for interpreting partial and complete genomes. 
  3. Developing and publishing evidence based guidelines for the use and application of pharmacogenomic data to personalized therapy and improving patient therapy. 
  4. Creating an open platform for collaborative interaction between individuals from diverse fields and having different expertise with the overall objective of accelerating the application of pharmacogenomics to personalized medicine.